While the developers of the PlayStation China Hero Projects that are playable at ChinaJoy 2019 opted to take the time out to make a vertical slice to showcase, Lost Soul Aside developer Ultizero Games and Pervader developer Beijing Light & Digital Technology opted to continue focusing on development.
Find the full message from PlayStation China Hero Project below.
Dear players across the ocean, it’s been a while! This is the China Hero Project. Since we have prepared a letter for our domestic audience, which will be released through game media outlets, we believe it is also very important for us to put something together for the overseas players and media who care about and support us.
This summer, six titles from our second batch of titles to join the China Hero Project will be playable at ChinaJoy 2019 from August 2 to 5. For fans unable to attend the event, we have prepared a new clip to share the latest progress on these titles. The titles include: F.I.S.T, Evotinction, Convallaria, ANNO: Mutationem, In Nightmare, and AI-LIMIT.
This will be the very first time actual gameplay of these titles is being showcased in China. The developers have been working very hard to ensure the performance of these title meet PlayStation’s project criteria. We asked all the developers to use a slice from their main builds to make a demo and they followed through, which means that their actual development progress is on the right track and fans won’t have to wait too long to purchase their games.
We also have some updates on the China Hero Project titles that will not be playable at ChinaJoy 2019, as we understand and feel there are many people that care about them:
Lost Soul Aside: The team has grown since last year. Rather than make a demo for ChinaJoy 2019, they chose to completely focus on development of the main build. We fully respect creator Yangbing and the team. Development takes time. Just like HARDCORE MECHA, the game will be completed.
Pervader: The team is still working on the game. They made the same choice as Lost Soul Aside.
Boundary: This title is close to its release window, and while they won’t be showing their latest build at our ChinaJoy 2019 booth, they will be attending Gamescom 2019 in Germany later in August with a playable build.
RAN: Lost Islands: Going by their projects, the first playable build of this title will be available this fall.
Starting from this fall, we will also host some offline focus groups (i.e. limited user tests, China cities only at this time) for upcoming titles. In our hearts, we believe in quality above all else, and we hope these events can benefit the development of these titles.
Eventually, we believe most games will come to overseas markets and that it is only a matter of time. This is the answer we would like to put out there for the many fans who left us messages of concern in the past.
So in short, we write this letter to brief you on what we are doing in China with those talented developers. We want to be transparent and deliver a truthful message to all of you. It takes time and they will get there eventually. But why do we do this? Let me tell you a story:
Two years ago, we took four titles to attend PlayStation Experience in Anaheim, California. We brought a China Hero Project flag to decorate the booth. Before the event, we told our developers to be prepared in case attendees didn’t take well to their games, since people there know less about games from China, especially console games. The result was the complete opposite of what we expected–we got tons of support from players during PlayStation Experience 2017, and the flag was full of supportive words and names from players. I spent $20 USD to make this flag and it already became a priceless treasure after the event.
What we want to emphasize here is, sometimes developers lack resources, especially when they want to make console games. To be honest, lack of resources is probably one of the biggest challenges in the gaming industry. But they chose to carry on because of those supportive voices around the world.
If you ask us, we would say that all developers here are our own heroes, and the players who support them are the heroes behind those heroes. For the sake of all these heroes, this project will undoubtedly continue.
Thank you for your time! It won’t be long until our next update!