Magic Fish Studio debuted a new trailer for PlayStation China Hero Project horror adventure game In Nightmare during the PlayStation ChinaJoy 2019 online showcase.
Here is an overview of the game, via PlayStation.com.cn:
In Nightmare (working title) is a game currently in development at Magic Fish Studio. It is a dark fairy tale that explores growing pain and self-salvation. Players will wander a mysterious dream world in this adventure game that combines imagination and realism.
The concept of this game’s design is to inspire people’s interest with philosophy and knowledge. The founder of the studio, Fan Yu, is an experienced developer and a core gamer since childhood. With his own vision of making good games, he hopes to become a more professional developer together with his team by joining the China Hero Project, which can also help them concentrate more on developing this title from now on. In the near future, they hope they can unite more developers who also have a passion to make games and wish they can ship the title, by using all the power they can for PlayStation users.
In Nightmare is in development for PlayStation 4. It will be playable at ChinaJoy 2019 from August 2 to 5 in Shanghai. A release date has yet to be announced.
Watch the trailer below.