Granblue Fantasy: Versus closed beta test Player’s Guide details
The full rundown on how to play.
Cygames has sent out download codes for the Granblue Fantasy: Versus closed beta test, which will run from May 31 to June 1. Chosen players can redeem the code and download the client, however the game will not be playable until the closed beta start date.
Additionally, the closed beta test Player’s Guide website has gone live, which provides a slew of information on how to play, including the command lists for each available character.
Get the details below.
■ Starting the Game
Beta Period
The closed beta runs from May 31 to June 1 (PDT / GMT). The game will be inaccessible outside of the beta testing period.
Title Screen
Press any button on the Title Screen and you will be directed to the Announcements screen.
Select Start and press X to go to the Main Menu.
Online Mode
Select Online from the list of play modes.
Before playing online, you first need to agree to the End User Licence Agreement and Privacy Policy. Please read them carefully before agreeing.
Next, set your player name.
Online Lobby Screen
Follow the on-screen instructions and select your region, area, lobby, avatar, and in-battle character.
Once this process is complete, you will enter a lobby.
Lobby Matches
Walk up to any empty arcade station seat and press X to sit down. When an opponent is sittin at a station next to you, press X to confirm that you are ready for the match. The match will start after both players confirm they are ready.
1. Lobby Info: Displays lobby information and the current time.
2. Information: Walk over to the bulletin board and press X to see various news.
3. Communication Notebook: Each lobby has a notebook where players can start threads and leave comments.
4. Avatar: Player-controlled avatar. Your avatar’s appearance can be changed.
5. Chat Log: A history log showing the set phrases, stickers, and chat messages posted.
6. Arcade Station: Start a match against another player.
You can communicate with other players with set phrases, stickers, and chat messages. Press Triangle to open the Communication Menu and select what you want to post. The history of posts by you and other lobby members will be displayed on the Chat Log.
Communication Notebook
Select a thread and press X to enter.
Once you have entered, press X again to leave a comment.
To start a new thread, press the Triangle button from the thread list.
Lobby Avatar
To change your avatar character, select Lobby Avatar from the Lobby Menu. (You can open the Lobby Menu by pression the Options button.)
The character’s color can also be changed.
Character Select
To change you character for lobby matches, select Character Select from the Lobby Menu.
Name Display
You can either have your player name or your online ID displayed in the lobby. To switch, select Other Settings from the Lobby Menu, and then Miscellaneous.
Online lobbies will be unavailable during server maintenances. When lobbies are unavailable, either Versus CPU mode or Casual Match mode can be played instead. (The available mode will differ based on maintenance status.)
Versus CPU: A mode to play matches against the CPU.
Casual Match: A mode to play non-lobby online matches against other players.
■ Beta Test Survey
Your feedback on the game is welcomed! Please consider taking part in the online survey.
To access the survey website, select Survey from the Main Menu and either select Open the Website or scan the QR code displayed.
■ Match Rules
Battles Interface
1. Win Counter: Displays the number of rounds won by the player.
2. Skill Icons: Displays available skills. (Unavailable skills’ icon will be darkened.)
3. SB Gauge: Skybound Art or Super Skybound Art can be activated when this gauge is full. Fills up upon dealing or taking damage, among other actions.
4. Round Timer: Displays how much time is left in a round. The round ends when the timer reaches 0.
5. HP Gauge: Displays the character’s health. The round ends when it reaches 0.
6. Chain Counter: Displays the number of consecutive hits performed.
7. System Text: Displays contextual combat information such as counters.
Match Format
A player wins a round when they reduce their opponent’s HP to zeor. The first player to win two rounds in total wins the match.
Round Time Limit
Each round has a 99 second time limit. When the time runs out, the player with the higher amount of remaining HP wins the round.
■ Configuration
Directional Buttons: Move / Guard / Jump
Square Button: Light Attack
Triangle Button: Medium Attack
Circle Button: Heavy Attack
X Button: Unique Action
L1 Button: Throw (can also be activated with Square + X)
L2 Button: Overhead Attack (can also be activated with Triangle + Circle)
R1 Button: Skill
R2 Button: Guard
This controller layout is the default. Button settings can be changed by selecting Button Configuration in the Main Menu’s Customize menu or the online lobby’s pause menu. (Pause menu will open by pressing Options when you are in an online lobby.)
Avoiding Damage
Evade Left + R2: Evade avoids all damage from incoming attacks except for throws. However, there is a brief moment of vulernability at the end of the move.
Cross Over Right + R2: Cross overs avoid all damage from incoming attacks while advancing forward. However, it doesn’t work against throws and low attacks.
*You can hold R2 and press Left or Right to pull of these moves.
Press the R1 button to use skills specific to that character. Once activated, each skill cannot be reused until its colldown time passes. (The respective skill icon will be darkened during cooldown.)
Skybound Art
Down, Down-Right, Right + R1: Deals more damage than regular skills. It can be activated once the SB gauge reaches 100 percent.
Super Skybound Art
Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left + R1: A super skybound art is an even more powerful skybound art. It can only be activated when the SB gauge reaches 100 percent, and your HP is 30 percent or lower.
Technical Commands
Instead of using the R1 button as a shortcut, button inputs for activating skills, skybound arts, and super skybound arts can be entered manually. The skill’s cooldown will be shorter when activated by technical commands.
■ Character Command Lists
Unique Action
Power Raise
X (chargeable)
► Cancel
During Power Raise: Square, Triangle, or Circle
Skill (alters by pushing Triangle or Circle simultaneously)
Technical Commands (Square / Triangle / Circle)
Down, Down-Right, Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Raging Sword
Right + R1
Right, Down, Down-Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Overdrive Surge
Down + R1 or Left + R1
Down, Down-Left, Left + Square, Triangle, or Circle
► Follow Up
During Down + R1 version Overdrive Surge: Down + R1
During Square version Overdrive Surge: Down, Down-Left, Left + Triangle
Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full)
Technical Commands
Tempest Blade
Down, Down-Right, Right + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + Circle
Super Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full and HP is 30 percent or lower)
Technical Commands
Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + X
Unique Action
Light Wall
X (chargeable)
► Frontsep
During Light Wall: Right, Right
► Backsep
During Light Wall: Left, Left
Skill (alters by pushing Triangle or Circle simultaneously)
Technical Commands (Square / Triangle / Circle)
Frozen Blade
Down, Down-Right, Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Emerald Sword
Right + R1
Right, Down, Down-Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Enchanted Lands
Down + R1 or Left + R1
Down, Down-Left, Left + Square, Triangle, or Circle (Circle version: Chargeable)
Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full)
Technical Commands
Blades of Frost
Down, Down-Right, Right + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + Circle
Super Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full and HP is 30 percent or lower)
Technical Commands
Realm of Ice
Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + X
Unique Action
Konig Schild
Skill (alters by pushing Triangle or Circle simultaneously)
Technical Commands (Square / Triangle / Circle)
Shining Onslaught
Left (hold), Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Holy Ladder
Right + R1
Down (hold), Up + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Sword of Lumiel
Left + R1
Down, Down-Left, Left + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + Circle
Super Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full and HP is 30 percent or lower)
Technical Commands
Noble Execution
Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + X
Unique Action
Delta Leap
While in midair and close to the stage wall: Right
X (ground / midair)
► Quick Stop
During ground Wirbelwind: X
► Cross Over
During ground Wirbelwind: Right + X
► Feint
During ground Wirbelwind: Left + X
► Jump
During ground Wirbelwind: Down + X or Up + X
Skill (alters by pushing Triangle or Circle simultaneously)
Technical Commands (Square / Triangle / Circle)
Down, Down-Right, Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Blade Impulse
Right + R1
Right, Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Southern Cross
Left + R1
Down, Down-Left, Left + Square, Triangle, or Circle
► Follow Up
During Southern Cross: Left + R1 (can be activated consecutively up to twice)
During Southern Cross: Left + Square, Triangle, or Circle (Square or Triangle versions: can be activated conseuctively up to twice / Circle version: up to four times)
Down + R1 (chargeable)
Down, Down + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full)
Technical Commands
Weiss Flugel
Down, Down-Right, Right + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + Circle
Super Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full and HP is 30 percent or lower)
Technical Commands
Schoner Winterhugel
Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + X
Unique Action
Ein Ball
Spectral Dive
While in midair: X
While in midair: Up + X
Skill (alters by pushing Triangle or Circle simultaneously)
Technical Commands (Square / Triangle / Circle)
Down, Down-Right, Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
► Whip It Good
When Gespenst hits: R1
When Gespenst hits: Square, Triangle, or Circle
► Heel
When Gespenst hits: Left + R1
When Gespenst hits: Left + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Beppo, Sic ‘Em!
Right + R1
Right, Down, Down-Right + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Left + R1
Down, Down-Left, Left + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Geegee, Get ‘Em!
Down + R1 (chargeable)
Down, Down + Square, Triangle, or Circle
Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full)
Technical Commands
Down, Down-Right, Right + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + Circle
Hin Liechten
Down, Down-Left, Left + R1
Down, Down-Left, Left, Down, Down-Left, Left + Circle
Super Skybound Art (can be used when SB Gauge is full and HP is 30 percent or lower)
Technical Commands
Aetheryte Requiescat
Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left + R1
Down, Down-Right, Right, Down, Down-Right, Right + X
Granblue Fantasy: Versus is due out for PlayStation 4 worldwide in 2019.