The latest episode of Toco Toco, an Archipel-produced program where Japanese artists and creators introduce places in Japan that inspire them, features Devil May Cry 5 director Hideaki Itsuno and Resident Evil 2 remake directors Kazunori Kadoi and Yasuhiro Anpo.
Here’s an overview of the episode:
In this special episode toco toco, we headed west to Osaka to follow Hideaki Itsuno, director of the upcoming Devil May Cry 5, and the duo Yasuhiro Anpo and Kazunori Kadoi, directors of the critically acclaimed and recently released Resident Evil 2 remake.
Separated between two floors, the three game directors opened their doors to their respective development areas and introduced us to the places that inspire them, ranging from book stores to retro gaming shops in Osaka’s Nipponbashi area, over the course of two days.
Watch the full episode below.