Natsume has announced Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure, the latest entry in its long-running fishing game series. It will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch this summer.
“Reel Fishing was first released in 1997 and the allure of virtual fishing is still just as alive today,” said Natsume president and CEO Hiro Maekawa in a press release. “We are delighted that Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure will evolve the Reel Fishing franchise for Switch and PS4.”
Here is a brief overview of the game, via Natsume:
Do you remember the very first time you went fishing? The fresh air…The soothing sounds of nature… The tranquility of the water.
After meeting a mysterious man at a museum, three college friends set off on a summer road trip to find the elusive fish he mentions to them. But what’s the story behind this fish? And for that matter, who’s the man who sent them on their adventure in the first place? He certainly is a unique individual, to say the very least! In any case, working together, these friends will unlock all these secrets and more in Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure!