The latest issue of V-Jump has new information on Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, including a new “Card Edit” feature that allows players to create custom cards.
Get the roundup of information below.
Card Edit
By obtaining a blank card, you can add illustrations, effects, abilities, and the like to create an original card. To create a high power card, you will need a blank card with high rarity. Illustrations can be layered several times and rotated, allowing you to create a design of your liking. Customizable details include special attack energy cost, abilities, CAA, and the like.
Mission Edit
Create missions in Creation Mode, then share them online. You can also play other players’ missions.
Ahms’ Second Form Revealed
Ahms is an artificial intelligence life-form created by Sealas. The magazine reveals his second form. The right half of its body is that of Cell, while the left half of its body is that of Freeza.
Limited Battles (Online Battles)
Limited Battle is an online battle rule that places restrictions on card amount and rarity. The winner of a Limited Battle may receive a super rare victory prize. The rareness of the item will increase for every Limited Battle you win.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission will is due out for Switch on April 4 in Japan, and for Switch and PC on April 5 in the Americas and Europe.
Thanks, Ryokutya2089 and Games Talk.