Devil May Cry 5 director Hideaki Itsuno shared a few new tidbits of information about the game during a media showcase event in South Korea, including the game’s estimated length.
Here are the tidbits:
Why is the story set after Devil May Cry 2?
The reason it is set after Devil May Cry 2 can be understood by playing the game.
What was difficult about using the RE Engine?
Since the RE Engine was originally created for Resident Evil 7 biohazard, it was difficult to implement the violent action of Devil May Cry. We focused on upgrading the engine’s processing speed and performance.
There are three protagonists, so how long will the game take to complete?
The development team took about 15 to 16 hours to clear the game.
The visuals are similar to DmC Devil May Cry, but what is the future of that series?
It might look that way since we were shooting for photo realism, but we were actually aiming for something Hollywood movie-esque like The Avengers. As for the future of DmC Devil May Cry, that is difficult to say.
Will there be additional playable characters
If a lot of users request it, we may add more playable characters.
Are there hidden places, items, enemies, and powerful monsters?
There are a few hidden weapons.
Devil May Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8. A demo is due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 7.
Thanks, Ruliweb (via Games Talk).