Double Fine Productions and Starbreeze Studios debuted the official first trailer for Psychonauts 2 at The Game Awards 2018, which is due out for consoles and PC in 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via Double Fine Productions:
Psychonauts 2 tells the story of Razputin Aquato, a gifted acrobat with psychic powers, as he fulfills his life-long goal of becoming an international psychic super-spy. In other words, a Psychonaut. Raz joins the Psychonauts at a dangerous time: a mole has infiltrated the organization and is planning to resurrect history’s most cruelly powerful psychic villains. Not knowing who to trust, Raz must dive into the history of the Psychonauts, and that of his own family, to fight the demons of their shared past.
Watch the trailer below.