The second episode of Life is Strange 2, dubbed “Episode 2: Rules,” will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 24, 2019, publisher Square Enix and developer Dontnod Entertainment announced.
Here is an overview of the Episode 2, via Square Enix:
Sean and Daniel’s story continues in Episode 2. On the run from the police following a tragic incident in Seattle and the manifestation of a strange supernatural power, Sean and Daniel Diaz continue their journey into the winter months. As the two brothers struggle against the cold, Daniel gets increasingly ill. Sean decides that they must take the risk and make their way to their distant grandparent’s house to recover and seek shelter.
There, they encounter next-door neighbor Chris Eriksen, a young boy who believes he has powers eerily similar to Daniel’s, and they come face to face with his superhero alter ego, Captain Spirit.
As Daniel and Chris are becoming fast friends, it’s up to Sean to make sure Daniel follows a set of rules they agreed on for his power: Never in public. Never talk about it. Run from danger.
Can Daniel successfully hide the truth from the people around them, will the temptation to explore the immense power within him be too much, or will he break the rules in a time of need?
Watch a new live-action trailer starring Gonzalo Martin, the voice of Life is Strange 2‘s Sean Diaz, below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.