The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with World of Final Fantasy Maxima director Hiroki Chiba, who shares some choice quotes on the upcoming enhanced release.
Here are the tidbits:
- “With the Switch port [of World of Final Fantasy Maxima], we took the opportunity to enhance the game. To be completely honest, our budget was low, so what we could do was limited, but we used our time carefully and did what we could!”
- “The difference in resolution between handheld and TV modes [on Switch] caused some trouble for the staff. The engine is the Orochi Engine. The Switch didn’t support it, but we got the engine team to support the Switch, so I think this is the first Switch game using the Orochi Engine.”
- “As for the PS Vita version, it lacked sufficient memory and was not able to support the upgrade.”
- “[The game] tells a bit of the afterstory of Lann and Reynn.”
- “While there are no plans for a sequel, I have fully written the story. If Square Enix gives us its approval, we can start development right away.”
- “Some people wondered if Lann’s puns were really necessary, so we considered an option to turn them off, and it was practically finished, but then we felt bad for him so we thought better of it.”
- “For the second playthrough, I considered an element for audio commentary from the characters that appear in each cutscene, but I threw that idea aside as it would be too metafiction.”
World of Final Fantasy Maxima is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on November 6.
Thanks, Ryokutya2089.