Weekly Famitsu this week has the first official preview of the game, revealing its crime-burdened protagonist and the story of the life he lives for the things that are important to him. The magazine also has comments from Yasutaka Nakata and Kamikaze Douga, who were in charge of the protagonist visual and concept teaser, a message from producer Tomomi Tagawa, and more.
Pre-registration is available now at the game’s official website. Players will be awarded in-game bonus Summoning Tickets depending on the amount of users that pre-register:
10,000 pre-registrations – Summoning Ticket x1
30,000 pre-registrations – Summoning Ticket x2 (for a total of three)
50,000 pre-registrations – Summoning Ticket x2 (for a total of five) + Twitter icons for everyone
100,000 pre-registrations – Summoning Ticket x2 (for a total of seven) + Twitter header images for everyone
200,000 pre-registrations – Summoning Ticket x3 (for a total of 10) + PC and smartphone wallpapers for everyone
In related news, Weekly Famitsu this week also has an interview with Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition producer Yusuke Tomizawa and original version chief director Yoshito Higuchi, who discuss the upcoming remaster, the new structure of the Tales of series from hereon, and more.
Watch the Tales of Crestoria teaser trailers below.