Square Enix announces TGS 2018 lineup [Update 2]
Kingdom Hearts III, Dragon Quest Builders 2, and more.
Square Enix has opened its offical Toyko Game Show 2018 website, revealing its lineup and stage schedule for the event.
Here are the details:
■ Lineup
- Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! (PS4, Switch) – Theater, Studio
- Dragon Quest Builders 2 (PS4, Switch) – Playable, Theater, Stage
- Dragon Quest Rivals (iOS, Android, PC) – Event Stage
- Dragon Quest X Online (PS4, Switch, Wii U, 3DS, PC) – Stage
- Fantasy Earth Genesis (iOS, Android) – Theater
- Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius (iOS, Android, PC) – Studio
- Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered (PS4, Switch) – Theater, Studio
- Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS, Android, PC) – Studio
- Final Fantasy XIV (PS4, PC) – Playable, Theater, Stage
- Final Fantasy XV (PS4, Xbox One) – Theater
- Gestalt Odin (iOS, Android) – Theater
- Just Cause 4 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Theater, Studio
- Kingdom Hearts III (PS4, Xbox One) – Playable, Theater, Stage
- The Last Remnant Remastered (PS4) – Theater, Studio
- Left Alive (PS4, PC) – Theater, Studio
- Million Arthur: Arcana Blood (PS4) – Theater, Stage
- Mobius Final Fantasy (iOS, Android, PC) – Studio
- Project Tokyo Dolls (iOS, Android) – Stage
- The Quiet Man (PS4, PC) – Studio
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Theater, Studio
- The World Ends with You: Final Remix (Switch) – Theater, Stage
- World of Final Fantasy Maxima (PS4, XBO, Switch, PC) – Theater, Studio
- Gems Company (Initiative) – Stage, Studio
- Square Enix App
- Square Enix Goods Shop
- Square Enix Music
- Square Enix Partners
■ Schedule
September 22
- Stage (YouTube, Niconico)
- 11:20 to 12:30 – Super Dragon Quest X TV at Tokyo Game Show 2018 Special – The “Super Dragon Quest X TV” official broadcast aired monthly on Niconico appears as a special stage at the Square Enix booth at Tokyo Game Show 2018. Look forward to all sorts of things, from the latest information on the game’s new version to a battle challenge corner and more. Featuring Kouji Aoyama (producer), Takashi Anzai (director), Inko-san (2nd Term Novice Ambassador), Ami201 (3rd Term Novice Ambassador), MC Ayana Tsubaki (talent), and MC Motohiro Takewaka (Buffalo Gorou).
- 12:30 to 12:50 – Gems Company’s Aoi Mizushina’s Dragon Quest X Stage After Talk – Gem’s Company’s Aoi Mizushina looks back on the Dragon Quest X stage event with producer Kouji Aoyama and director Takashi Anzai.
- 12:50 to 13:40 – Kingdom Hearts III Tokyo Game Show 2018 Stage – The latest information on Kingdom Hearts III ahead of its January 2019 release. A rare stage event with a troupe of wonderful voice actors. Featuring Miyu Irino (voice actor), Megumi Toyoguchi (voice actor), and MC Akira Kawashima (actor).
- 13:40 to 14:00 – Gems Company’s Yuzuki Shirono’s Kingdom Hearts III Stage After Talk – Gems Company’s Yuzuki Shirono’s looks back on the Kingdom Herts III stage event.
- 14:00 to 14:50 – Dragon Quest Builders 2 Builders School Extracurricular Lesson – The latest information on the block-make RPG Dragon Quest Builders 2, which is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on December 20. Featuring Noriyoshi Fujimoto (producer), Takuma Shiraishi (producer), Saito-V (Shueisha V-Jump Editorial Department), and MC Ranze Fukishima (talent).
- 14:50 to 15:10 – Gems Company’s Nene Naninu’s Dragon Quest Builders 2 Stage After Talk – Gems Company’s Yuzuki Shirono’s looks back on the Dragon Quest Builders 2 stage event with producers Noriyoshi Fujimoto and Takuma Shiraishi.
- 15:10 to 16:00 – Project Tokyo Dolls Presents Yamadada at Tokyo Game Show 2018 – The YouTube broadcast “Yamadada” at Tokyo Game Show 2018 with Yamada and the characters of the app game Project Tokyo Dolls. Yamada will appear on the Tokyo Game Show stage. Tons of content, including information on the latest update. Featuring Yamada (Virtual YouTuber), Kaori Ishihara (voice actor), Eri Suzuki (voice actor), Hibiku Yamamura (voice actor), and MC Hisanori Yoshida (Nippon Broadcasting announcer).
- Studio (YouTube, Niconico)
- 10:00 to 10:10 – Opening – Gems Company and Susumu Imadachi open the September 22 show.
- 10:20 to 11:05 – Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Special Live! – A live stream for the 2019-due titles Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered. World premiere gameplay plus various information. Featuring Akihiko Maeda (Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! director), Toshiyuki Itahana (Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! character designer), Sayaka Senbongi (Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! Shirma voice actor), Lynn (Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! Croma voice actor), Ryouma Araki (Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition producer), and Susumu Imadachi (talent).
- 11:20 to 12:05 – The Last Remnant Remastered TGS 2018 Special Broadcast – A special broadcast for the September 11-announced The Last Remnant Remastered. Stories from the development of the original game from its original staff, as well as live gameplay of the remastered version. Featuring Hiroshi Takai (original director), Yusuke Naora (original art producer), Kouichirou Sakamoto (remaster director), Asami Katada (remastered project assistant), and MC Nobuo (of the comedy duo Penguins).
- 12:20 to 13:05 – Final Fantasy: Record Keeper Official Broadcast at Tokyo Game Show 2018 – The official Final Fantasy: Record Keeper broadcast from Tokyo Game Show 2018 in commemoration of the game’s fourth anniversary, with information that has yet to be announced. Featuring Ichirou Hazama (Final Fantasy: Record Keeper producer), Yuu Sasaki (Final Fantasy: Record Keeper producer), Ai Takahashi (actress), and MC Susumu Imadachi (talent).
- 13:20 to 14:05 – To be announced.
- 14:20 to 15:30 – Let’s Play with the President: Just Cause 4 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider at Tokyo Game Show 2018 – “Let’s Play with the President,” the popular project from Square Enix’s “Square Enix Extreme Edges” label, which is dedicated to overseas titles, appears again this year at the Square Enix booth at Tokyo Game Show 2018. Information and live gameplay of Just Cause 4 and the September 14-due Shadow of the Tomb Raider with Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda. Featuring Yosuke Matsuda (Square Enix president), Yuuki Nishio (localization director), Daisuke Yamamoto (localization director), Iori Amamiya (Moso Calibration), and MC Susumu Imadachi (talent).
- 15:45 to 16:00 – Ending – Gems Company and Susumu Imadachi close the September 22 show.
September 23
- Stage (YouTube, Niconico)
- 11:20 to 12:20 – Million Arthur Series Stage – Various information on the Million Arthur series with wonderful guests. From the Han-Gyaku-Sei Million Arthur anime that will begin airing in October, to the Million Arthur: Arcana Blood PlayStation 4 2D fighting game due out on November 29, to the Kou-Kyou-Sei Million Arthur smartphone game due out soon, and more, there may be information announced for the first time at this very stage event. Featuring Satomi Akesaka (voice actor), Himika Akaneya (voice actor), Rumi Ookubo (voice actor), Hiroaki Iwano (Million Arthur series producer), and Naofumi Takuma (Million Arthur: Arcana Blood producer).
- 12:20 to 12:40 – Gems Company’s Mikoto Hase’s Million Arthur Stage After Talk – Gems Company’s Mikoto Hase asks Million Arthur series producer Hiroaki Iwano, Million Arthur: Arcana Blood producer Naofumi Takuma a lot of questions following the Million Arthur stage event.
- 12:40 to 13:30 – Dragon Quest Paradise News Station – The latest information on Dragon Quest-related works, starting with Dragon Quest Builders 2. Featuring Yuji Horii (game designer), MC Joy (talent), Noriyoshi Fujimoto (Dragon Quest Builders 2 producer), Takuma Shiraishi (Dragon Quest Builders 2 producer), Hokuto Okamoto (Dragon Quest XI producer), Takeshi Uchikawa (Dragon Quest XI director), and Ranze Fukushima (talent).
- 13:30 to 13:50 – Gems Company’s Maya Ichimonji’s Dragon Quest Paradise News Station Stage After Talk – Gems Company’s Maya Ichimonji talks Dragon Quest with game designer Yuji Horii, JOY, and Ranze Fukushima following the Dragon Quest Paradise News Station stage event.
- 13:50 to 14:50 – Final Fantasy XIV: Yoshi-P Sanpo in Makuhari – Final Fantasy XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida‘s leisurely live stream where he makes his way into a different public server for each broadcast, this time at Tokyo Game Show 2018. Featuring Naoki Yoshida (producer and director) and Toshio Murou (global community producer).
- 14:50 to 15:10 – Gems Company’s Uta Tamane’s Final Fantasy XIV Stage After Talk – Gems Company’s Uta Tamane looks back on the Final Fantasy XIV stage event with producer and director Naoki Yoshida.
- 15:10 to 16:00 – The World Ends with You: Final Remix Tokyo Game Show 2018 Special Stage – The latest information and live gameplay of The World Ends with You: Final Remix ahead of its September 27 release with special guests. Featuring Kouki Uchiyama (voice actor), Ryouhei Kimura (voice actor), Tatsuya Kandou (director), and MCs Alco and Peace (actors).
- Studio (YouTube, Niconico)
- 10:00 to 10:15 – Opening – Gems Company and Susumu Imadachi open the September 23 show.
- 10:30 to 11:15 – Left Alive Tokyo Game Show 2018 Special Broadcast – Tons of new information on the new survival action game Left Alive straight from the development staff. Featuring Shinji Hashimoto (producer), Toshifumi Nabeshima (director), and MC Susumu Imadachi (talent).
- 11:35 to 12:20 – Final Fantasy After Final Fantasy! World of Final Fantasy Maxima TGS 2018 Special – The latest information on the Final Fantasy series’ expansion to new platforms and World of Final Fantasy Maxima. Featuring Shinji Hashimoto (Final Fantasy series brand director), Hiroki Chiba (World of Final Fantasy Maxima director), and MCs Takeshi Kashio and Mariko Nishizawa (Finan Fantasy Portal app).
- 12:40 to 13:25 – Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius Official Broadcast at Tokyo Game Show 2018 – The latest information on Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius, as well as an overview of the game’s third anniversary event goods and update details. Featuring Kay Hirono (producer), Yutaka Utsugi (director), Chuunii (Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius Official YouTube Channel), Misoshiru (Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius Official YouTube Channel), and MC Susumu Imadachi (talent).
- 13:45 to 14:30 – Mobius Final Fantasy Tokyo Game Show 2018 Special – The official broadcast for the popular smartphone title Mobius Final Fantasy: Warrior of Ruin, this time from Tokyo Game Show 2018 and with special guests. Featuring Yoshinori Kitase (producer), Takashi Shiraga (project leader), MC Sanshi, and Marika Kouno (voice actor).
- 14:45 to 15:30 – The Quiet Man Live in Makuhari – The official information broadcast for the upcoming PlayStation 4 and PC title The Quiet Man, this time at the Makuhari Messe. Featuring Youhei Murakami (head of promotion) and Kensei Fujinaga (producer).
- 15:45 to 16:00 – Ending – Gems Company and Susumu Imadachi close the September 23 show.
Tokyo Game Show 2018 runs from September 20 to 23.
Update 09/10/18 at 11:45 p.m.: Updated the lineup and schedule with The Last Remnant Remastered.
Update 09/14/18 at 12:25 a.m.: Added Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy!, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered, and World of Final Fantasy Maxima to the lineup, and updated the stage schedule.