Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain second trailer; Heavy Striker, Bezial, and Deathstalker details
Gigantic monsters appear.
D3 Publisher has released the second official trailer for Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain and updated the official website with new information and screenshots on the Heavy Striker soldier and Beizal and Deathstalker enemies.
Get the details below.
■ Soldiers
Heavy Striker
PA-Gear newly developed for combat against mega-giant ravagers. It holds two Energy Cores, allowing the wearer to use two weapons at once. Its electromagnetic “E-Field” barrier provides iron-solid protection. Its combat capabilities are strong enough to take on any form of enemy, but recharging its Energy Cores takes time once it is completely depleted. Recommended for experienced soldiers who can use the gear strategically, while keeping an eye on remaining Energy.
E-Shield ability can protect the wearer from bullets, lasers, and explosions. However, it does not protect against physical attacks like body contact or getting stomped on. Heavy Strikers use a highly durable actuator which allows them to equip one weapon in each hand. However, reloading is performed with one hand, so they reload slower than other PA-Gears. The more complex a weapon is, the longer its reload time will be.
■ Enemies
Its sheer mass causes most buildings to crumble at its touch. It has a powerful internal generator that releases vast amounts of energy from its back fins as an electromagnetic pulse, which can instantly destroy all nearby electronic devices, and even temporarily incapacitate highly resilient PA-Gear. Standard lock-on missile control systems are rendered useless while the pulse is emitted, as all missile locking will fail.
Analysis of its body tissue has found DNA from Earth, indicating it may be a synthetic organism created from the genes of multiple creatures. Some of its physical attributes resemble those of prehistoric fish and Devonian placoderms, suggesting the Aggressors visited the Earth 400 million years ago. The Devonian Period also marked the first appearance of insects on the planet, which may explain the Aggressors’ preference for insect creatures.
An irritable, highly venomous giant creature that resembles a deathstalker scorpion. Its pincer, protected by a thick armoring, is also used as a shield. It sprays pressurized venom from its long, plump tail like a laser, the acidity of which is potent enough to slice through a tank.
Another characteristic of this giant creature is that it glows in the dark. Actual deathstalker scorpions also glow under UV lighting, but these Deathstalkers always glow even without UV rays, an effect particularly noticeable at night. This makes spotting them at night easier, but also more dangerous, as they are naturally nocturnal creatures.
■ Next Report Teaser
Underground facilities of the Rebellion. What is being studied down there?
The research facilities of the Kindred Rebellion which are built under cities. There exist gigantic ants which do not attack human beings!! Surprising news on some weapons will be revealed next time!? Wait for more information!
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain is due out for PlayStation 4 in early 2019.
Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.