(Warning: The following content contains spoilers for previous entries in the Trails series of The Legend of Heroes games.)
Get the details below.
Scherazard Harvey (voiced by Yuka Shioyama)
Known by the nickname “The Silver Streak,” she is a tan-skinned A-rank bracer from the Liberl Kingdom.
She was a pupil of Cassius in her early bracer days, and is like an older sister to his daughter Estelle.
Four years ago, during a series of events where the Liberl Kingdom was attacked, she met and hit it off with Prince Olivert, and even after that the two retained a personal relationship with one another.
In accordance with the movements of the revitalized jaeger corps and Ouroboros society, Scherazard entered the Empire with Agate, and then carried out activities independently, but…
When the disaster occurred in the Imperial capital, she became an eyewitness to the moment that the Courageous, boarded by Prince Olivert, exploded.
Klaudia von Auslese (voiced by Yuuko Minaguchi)
A descendant of the Auslese family that once ruled over the Sept-Terrion of Space, she is the next in line to become Queen of the Liberl Kingdom.
She kept her lineage a secret during her student days, when she met Estelle and Joshua, who were traveling the Kingdom while training, and thereafter contributed to the resolution of the Liberl Disaster as one of their allies.
In the process, she was able to determine her own path forward, and decided to take her place as the next Queen of the Liberl Kingdom.
As the Imperial government began interfering in other nations after the incident in the Imperial capital, invoking the National Mobilization Law and strengthening military might, it became clear that all out war was on the horizon, and acting as Queen of Liberl, Klaudia began to take action in response, but…
Cassius Bright (voiced by Yukimasa Kishino)
The lieutenant general of the Liberl Kingdom Army and the extraordinary strategist who defeated the Imperial Army in The Hundred Days War 14 years ago.
He studied under Yun Ka-fai, the founder of the Eight Leaves One Blade school of swordsmanship, and is widely known by the nickname, “The Divine Blade.”
After losing his beloved wife in The Hundred Days War, he retired from the army. After that, he had a remarkable showing all over Zemuria as an S-rank bracer.
After the Empire’s attack on the Bracer Guild, Cassius returned to the army, taking advantage of the Liberl Kingdom’s coup covertly maneuvered by the society.
Since then, he has been trying to reorganize the Kingdom army while cooperating with Prince Olivert and each country’s Awakeners, as well as keeping an eye out for the disquieting moves of the Imperial government.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.