Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! details Mega Evolution, Vermilion City, and Team Rocket
Choosing Pikachu or Eevee is only the beginning.
The Pokemon Company and Nintendo have released a new video, information, and a trailer for Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! introducing Mega Evolution, Vermilion City, and Team Rocket.
Get the details below.
■ Prepare for Mega Evolution
Many Pokemon can evolve into new Pokemon, but were you aware that there is also “the Evolution that transcends Evolution”? It’s called Mega Evolution, and it’s a way to gain power beyond even what normal Evolution would grant. The might of Mega Evolution momentarily unleashes the energy within a Pokemon, and it can only be accomplished through a strong bond between a Pokemon and its Trainer.
In Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, you can Mega Evolve certain Pokemon once per battle if you have a Key Stone and a Mega Stone that corresponds to that specific Pokemon. Deciding which Pokemon to Mega Evolve—and when—will be a critical factor in deciding who wins a battle.
Let’s take a look at some of the Pokemon you’ll be able to Mega Evolve in the game.
Mega Venusaur
When Venusaur Mega Evolves into Mega Venusaur, the flower on its back grows larger and its legs become thicker and stronger to support its extra weight. Its Defense and Sp. Def greatly increase, allowing it to withstand just about any attack thrown at it.
Mega Charizard X / Mega Charizard Y
Charizard can Mega Evolve into two forms: Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y. In each battle, choose the form that will give you the most advantage.
Mega Charizard X’s body color changes to black, and its flames turn blue because they burn so much hotter. It also changes types from a Fire- and Flying-type Pokemon to a Fire- and Dragon-type Pokemon.
Mega Charizard Y retains its orange coloring, but it gains sharp horns, a longer tail, and larger wings. It can fly faster than a jet plane!
Mega Blastoise
Blastoise normally has two water cannons on its shell, but when it Mega Evolves, the two cannons merge into a single large cannon that uses the power of Mega Evolution to launch superpowerful blasts. Its Sp. Atk greatly increases as well, allowing for more aggressive tactics in battle.
■ Vermilion City
Vermilion City is the largest port city in the Kanto region. This charming seaside location is home to the Vermilion City Gym. Be on the lookout for the luxury cruise liner the S.S. Anne, which stops here once per year.
■ Team Rocket Brings the Trouble
During your travels through the Kanto region, you’re bound to cross paths with members of the sinister organization Team Rocket. This dastardly group plots to steal and use Pokemon for their own nefarious ends! You can easily recognize Team Rocket Grunts by their black uniforms and the large R on their chests.
You’ll need to fight Team Rocket on several occasions to hamper their plans. With enough determination, you may even discover the leader of this band of ruffians.
Although you’ll battle many Team Rocket Grunts throughout your adventure, a particular trio of troublemakers will repeatedly rear their mischievous heads. Jessie, James, and Meowth are frequent foes in Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee!
These notable Team Rocket members like to send out their Poison-type Pokemon Ekans and Koffing, so make sure you’re prepared to fight!
Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! are due out for Switch on November 16.
Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.