Codemasters has released an update for Onrush today adding Ranked Mode. The first official season of Ranked Mode, dubbed “Onrush Summer Slam,” will begin on August 27.
The Onrush Pre-Season, which will run for two weeks starting today, will allow users to get hands-on with Ranked Mode and give them the chance to “unlock exclusive Pre-Season awards, including XP bonuses, credits, and unique Tombstones.”
Players will be able to partake in several “placement” games to determine their level during the pre-season, and be issued one of the following ranks:
- Bronze: Jack, Queen, King, Ace
- Silver: Jack, Queen, King, Ace
- Gold: Jack, Queen, King, Ace
- Platinum: Jack, Queen, King, Ace
Onrush Summer Slam, which will run for eight weeks, will include “new celebrations, new Epic character outfits, new Epic vehicle shells, new Epic liveries, XP bonuses, and new Tombstones.”
Onrush is available now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Watch a trailer for Onrush Summer Slam below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
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