Exploration-style dungeons that add side-scrolling action elements.
Dungeons are filled with monsters. If Neptune touches a monster symbol, a battle wll begin. If you attack a monster symbol with a symbol attack, you can start the battle with an advantage. Dungeons also have treasure chests in various locations through which you can obtain items.
In addition to jump and double jump, you can also summon a pudding-like monster to jump even higher in dungeons.
■ Battles
Intuitive and strategic battles! Change between formations based on the situation and dominate the fight!
You can fight with a maximum of four party members. AP (Action Points) build up as time passes, and each character can use AP to activate skills. It is important to learn the enemy’s weakness to fight with the upper hand. By dealing damage using the attribute the enemy is weak against, you will recover AP as a bonus.
Breaking Down the Battle Screen
1. Formation Type. You can change between formations with the L1 and R1 buttons. Each formation changes the character’s attack type. And each formation has a passive bonus.
—Strike: A formation with many physical attacks. It also has skills that deal abnormal status and additional magic damage.
—Magic: A formation with many magic skills. It is effective against enemies weak to magic.
—Support: A formation with many skills that can bestow buffs to protect party members.
—Heal: A formation with many skills that can heal HP and abnormal statuses.
2. Goddess Gauge. The gauge required to transform into a Goddess.