Takuya Yamanaka: “Woah! Thank you so much! That’s our game’s mascot-esque Umiushi-chan, for sure! He’s super cute! Let’s make some promotional items out of him!”
Nobuhiro Imagawa: “Thank you for the explanation.”
Suzuka Yamamoto (Director): “It has been done.”
Suzuka Yamamoto:
Nobuhiro Imagawa: “That was fast.”
Tsukasa Masuko: “Sorry! Can I have a bit more time? It’s coming together nicely, I just need a little more time to finish.”
Takuya Yamanaka: “Understood! Not a problem at all! Tomorrow then! Please and thank you!”
Takuya Yamanaka: “Ah, and how about you, Mr. Inoue!?