Compile Heart has five new RPGs in development
Here is artwork for one of them, a desert-themed RPG.
Five new RPG projects are currently in development at Compile Heart, company president Norihisa Kochiwa teased in a Death end re;Quest behind the scenes video published today.
While neither title is in the stage where more information can be announced, Kochiwa did share the following:
- One is a “desert”-themed RPG (artwork pictured above)
- One is an RPG made by new creators
- One is an RPG that Compile Heart is putting everything it has learned into
More information about each project will be announced sequentially in game magazines and events.
In addition to the five RPGs, Compile Heart is also development new apps and other interesting, non-game projects.
Watch the behind the scenes video below.
Watch more gameplay footage of Death end re;Quest below.
Thanks, Games Talk.