Shining Resonance Re:frain details Excela and Jenius battle actions and events
Add the two characters to your party from the beginning.
Sega has released new information and screenshots of Shining Resonance Re:frain further introducing Excela and Jenius, who can become party members in the game’s new “Refrain Mode”.
Get the details below.
■ Befriend Excela and Jenius from the Beginning of the Game
In “Refrain Mode,” players can go on an adventure with Excela and Jenius, who did not become party members in the original story, from the beginning of the game. By adding Excela and Jenius to your party, you can enjoy a somewhat different adventure.
Excela Noa Aura (voiced by Nana Mizuki)
An imperial princess and Dragon Master, which is the top-tier of dragon knights. She commands a dragon, and as a Song Maiden wields the “Seventh Armonic.”
Jenius Aeon (voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya)
A solitary character who has no affiliation with any of the major powers and hunts dragons. Is he an enemy or ally? The motivation behind his actions are shrouded in mystery. He has a deep connection to Yuuma’s fate and holds the key to the story.
■ An Introduction to Excela and Jenius’s Force Skills
Each character has a great variety of Force skills, which are special actions that consist of strong attacks and magic that consume MP instead of AP (Action Points), which are spent on standard attacks. Here we will introduce some of the unique skillsof Excela and Jenius.
An earth magic attack that generates a gravity ball in front of Excela. Nearby enemies will be pulled into the gravity ball.
Three Spears Safeguard
Reduces the amount of damage received by attacks of the fire, ice, and thunder attributes. It is her power as someone accompanied by “The Princess’ Three Spears.”
◆ Jenius
Invisible Blade
A high-speed swinging slash attack that slices up nearby enemies. To the untrained eye, it appears only to be a single swing.
Immortal Body
Increases Jenius’ regeneration ability and recovers his HP.
■ Enjoy Events with Excela and Jenius
In normal play, Excela and Jenius will show up even though you would not expect them to. In Refrain Mode, you can enjoy conversations with the two characters.
—Here we see Excela and Jenius, who should not be in the seaside town of Marga. Yuma notices the two people standing out of the way, and talks to them.
—Excela and Jenius entrust Yuma with the “Seal of the Glass Shoes” and “Seal of the Full Moon.” Just what are these seals…?
—Yuma shares his thoughts with Excela and Jenius about all the time they have spent together. In his hand is the seal that he has carefully protected since it was entrusted to him. Excela and Jenius’ responses are as expected…
■ An Introduction to Excel and Jenius’ Night Events
◆ Night Events
By “staring” at a party member in town, at camp, and so on, “Night Events” may occur during your adventure.
Night Events are your chance to deepen your friendship with party members. By becoming friendly with party members, you may even be able to see surprising sides to each of them… You can deepen your bonds with male characters as well as female characters.
◆ M.O.E.S
Through M.O.E.S., the Mind Over Emotion System, you can choose responses in the middle of a conversation within a given time limit. If you choose a response that pleases the character you are speaking to, your friendship with them will deepen. Carefully choose a response within the time limit. And of course, “not responding” is also a response.
Shining Resonance Re:frain is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on March 29.