Monster Hunter: World ‘Takayuki Yamada’s Game of Pretend’ Japanese TV spot
Takayuki Yamada pretends to be several Monster Hunter monsters.
Following up on the first TV spot back in December, Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia has released a second TV spot for Monster Hunter: World featuring actor Takayuki Yamada.
The commercial sees Yamada put everything he has into a game of Monster Hunter: World pretend, impersonating Nergigante, Kulu-Ya-Ku, Paolumu, and Diablos… until he gets captured.
Monster Hunter: World is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26, and for PC this fall. In Japan, Monster Hunter: World will only be available for PlayStation 4. A final open beta will be held on PlayStation 4 from January 18 to 22.
Watch the TV spot, and a making of and interview below.
TV Spot
Making Of and Interview