Manga Kakeru, the manga creation game from Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories developer Granzella first announced for PS Vita in 2014, will launch for both PS Vita and PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store in January in Japan for 600 yen, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.
Players will be able post the manga they create to a dedicated website.
Visit the Manga Kakeru official website here.
Thanks, Ryokutya2089 and Famitsu.
Update 4:00 a.m.: Added Famitsu preview scan.
Update 5:55 a.m.: Manga Kakeru will enable players to freely place characters, scenery, props, and speech in their manga. Characters and scenery can also be drawn freehand.
- Manga Edit – Offers a number of materials including characters, towns, schools, furniture, vehicles, and weapons. Since each material is a 3D model, you can freely adjust their direction and size.
- First Chapter Generator – Create the beginning of a story by simply progressing through an adventure game. The development of the first chapter changes depending on how the adventure evolves.
The manga you create can be uploaded from your PlayStation 4 or PS Vita to a dedicated website. In addition to reading manga from other users, the website will also have a ranking of the most popular manga.
The PS Vita version of Manga Kakeru will have touch screen support.
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.
Update 01/17/18 at 11:45 p.m.: An update on the official website reveals that the PS Vita version will be released in January, while the PlayStation 4 version’s release date will be announced soon.