The final playable character in Dragon Ball FighterZ is the game-original Android 21, the latest issue of V-Jump reveals.
While Android 21 generally wears a white lab coat and has a human-like appearance, she seems to transform during battle. Playable Android 21 has long white hair and pink skin. Despite being an Android, her appearance is entirely Majin (even down to loving sweets). In addition to being a scientist with a superior intellect, Android 21 seems to be shrouded in many mysteries.
Here are her stats:
- Ease of Use: A
- Power: B
- Speed: A
- Reach: S
- Technique: S
- Energy: B
Android 21’s special move, “Tasting Cut,” drives forward and grabs the opponent to relentlessly absorb their energy. She can then use the skills of the opponent she absorbed, such as “Kamehameha.” If she absorbs Krillin’s energy, she can use “Solar Flare.” In this way, the more you know your opponent’s characters, the more useful Android 21 will become. Her Meteor special move, “Hungry Time,” turns the opponent into a macaroon and she ecstatically takes a big bite.
Dragon Ball FighterZ will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 26 in the Americas and Europe, and February 1 in Japan.
Thanks, ShonenGamez.