Double Fine Productions has delayed Psychonauts 2 past its previously announced 2018 release window to an unannounced window.
“We know a lot more about not only the size and scope of the game we’re going to make, but how long it’s going to take us to make that, and that’s all really good news,” project lead Zak McClendon said in the latest Psychonauts 2 development update. “The less good news is because of that, we now know that it is not going to be done in 2018.”
McClendon continued, “We are making great progress, and we do know about how long it’s going to take, but we don’t really want to say anything until we can give a firm date for people. We don’t want it to be a thing where it’s like, ‘We think it’s here, but then it might be here or there.’ We want to know exactly where we’re going to land.”
Outside of the release window update, the development update also showcases the creation of the Aquato family—protagonist Raz’s family. While the Aquatos appeared in memory vaults in the original Psychonauts, the entire family is being named and modeled for Psychonauts 2.
Psychonauts 2 is in production for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.