Housemarque licenses Unreal Engine 4 for “soon-to-be-announced title”
Housemarque to use Unreal Engine 4 exclusively going forwards.
Resogun and Nex Machina developer Housemarque has licensed Unreal Engine 4 for the development of a “soon-to-be-announced title,” the company announced.
As announced in November, Housemarque will no longer make games in the arcade genre, and rather explore new genres “including multiplayer experiences with strong, robust communities.” In moving away from the arcade genre, the studio is also moving away from using its own proprietary engine technology, which it has done for over 22 years.
“Throughout our 22 years, Housemarque has taken pride in building our own proprietary technology to build the games that we want to play,” said Ilari Kuittinen, CEO of from Housemarque. “Our summer 2017 release – Matterfall bucked that trend and was the first Housemarque release to use Unreal 4.”
Kuittinen continued, “We have made the decision to use Unreal Engine 4 exclusively going forwards. Unreal 4 enables fast prototyping, contains modern pipelines and editors for artists and designers and provides really valuable documentation and support forums. Plus, it’s still very customizable so we can still use our award-winning rendering and visual effects tech with the engine. We’ve got some exciting stuff in the works!”
Further information about Housemarque’s new title was not announced.