Installs various “genres” into the RPG command battle system that change the rules of battle. For example, by changing the genre to “fighting game,” you can attack enemies that specialize in fighting from the rear head-on from the front. With this unprecedented system, you can drag enemies into rules that give you the upper hand. Furthermore, for each genre, when it comes time to attack and a Summons Bug is on the battlefield, you can activate additional pursuits using the Summons Bug by meeting pre-set conditions.
We previously detailed the Fighting Game, Shooting Game, and Slots genres. Read about those here. Read up on the new Puzzle and Billiards genres below.
By attacking the enemy to blow them back to the panels that appear on the battlefield, you can erase the panels. You can only blow back the enemy a certain number of times, and you can deal big damage based on the amount of panels erased. However, your attack power will decrease if you erase the yellow panels, so pay attention to the angle of your blow in order to clear the puzzle.
Eight pockets will appear on the battlefield. By blowing back the enemy into one of the pockets, you can deal big damage. By skillfully aiming while utilizing other enemies and walls, you can also sink a number of enemies in a particular location into a pocket.
◆ Dungeon Exploration
Bug Actions
If the bodies of the characters that appear in the game world are infested by the insect-like bugs known as “Entoma,” they will become bugged. By skillfully utilizing this, Shina and company can each make use of unique traits known as “Bug Actions” to progress through dungeons. And since there are places in dungeons where you can only progress by using Bug Actions, do not give up even if you find a place that appears unreachable. You can get hints from things like the layout of the location, so choose the appropriate character and activate their Bug Action to progress. (Bug Actions can only be used at certain points.)
Death end re;Quest will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan on March 1, 2018 for 7,776 yen at retail and 6,912 yen via download.