Unearthing Mars, the sci-fi adventure for PlayStation VR, will launch in North America and Europe on March 7, developer Winking Entertainment announced.
Here’s an overview of the game, via the PlayStation Blog:
So what is Unearthing Mars? Is it a shooter, a puzzler, or some sort of space sim? To be honest, it is all and none of those things at the same time.
The Unearthing Mars experience is comprised of 10 different stages, each with its own unique gameplay mechanic. Each stage also advances the story of a space expedition team trying to unravel the secrets of Mars. Players will take the role of the Co-pilot, a member of the retrieval team sent to recover fragments of the mysterious Phobos satellite, believed to hold clues to the possibility of an ancient civilization on Mars. As you can tell, this isn’t a documentary-type VR experience, but really something that plays more like a good science fiction novel (or novella, in our case).
In the first half of the game, players will experience operating a Mars landing craft vehicle firsthand, as well as explore the surface of Mars on foot and via a rover vehicle.
In the latter half, there’s a lot more cross-genre gameplay as players discover a more esoteric side to the Red Planet, solving puzzles along the way and culminating in a first-person shootout that… well, I’ll let you guys experience that for yourselves.
In response to a user comment on the PlayStation Blog, Winking Entertainment said Unearthing Mars offers “around two hours of gameplay” for its total of 10 levels.
Watch a new trailer below.