Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune details town facilities
Some of the various facilities that will help you on your adventure.
Compile Heart has updated the Japanese official website for Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune with an introduction to the basic facilities of the game’s base town.
Get the information below.
■ An Introduction to Facilities
In Wishuel, the town that acts as your base, there are shops essential for your adventure, such as to obtain weapons and items. In town, players and inhabitants (NPCs) will mutter information, and both main events and sub events will occur.
The statue of the four goddesses is enshrined in the cathedral, which is the symbol of Wishuel. “Praying” here will bestow you with effects beneficial to your adventure. Be sure to offer your prayers to the goddesses before going into a dungeon.
The list of commands available at the cathedral include:
Paid Prayer: Pay bells (money) to acquire a specific prayer effect
When displaying the menu, your current prayer effect can be seen in the lower right window.
Depending on your “Guild Rank,” you can take on various quests. You can level up your Guild Rank by clearing specific quests.
Your current Guild Rank can be checked in the lower right menu. (In dungeons, the town, and on the world map, you can check your Guild Rank in the lower right window after displaying the menu.)
Quests are separated into five types, each with a different objective. By achieving that objective and reporting back to the guild, you can receive a reward.
The five types of quests include:
Small Fry Subjugation Quests: Defeat a specific number of small fry monsters.
Formidable Foe Subjugation Quests: Defeat a boss monster.
Delivery Quests: Gather up a specific number of items.
Area Arrival Quests: Move until you get to a specific area.
Certified Quests:Clear these quests to level up your Guild Rank.
Certified Quests are important quests necessary to level up your Guild Rank. Certified Quests will appear based on your story progression and the quests you’ve cleared.
Pierre & Co.
Deals in basic items such as equipment and consumables, which you can purchase and sell. Be sure to stock up on recovery items to proceed on your adventure with peace of mind.
Gem Shop
“Gems” are jewel-like items with special effects. You can equip up to three gems at a time. By equipping gems, you can obtain various effects such as “Stat Boost” and “Experience Points Boost.”
Practice Grounds
Practice controls with “Actions Practice,” or browse tutorial documents with “Browse Documents.”
With Actions Practice, you can reaffirm the controls:
Basic Actions Practice: Reaffirm the basic actions, such as the standard attack and lock-on.
Guard Practice: Reaffirm the controls of Guard and Just Guard.
Skill Practice: Reaffirm how to activate skills.
Mock Battle: Review the basic controls. Press the Options button to end the battle.
Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 9.3