Dragon Quest XI development footage shows camping, dragon riding, battle, more
The protagonist finishes off the enemy.
NHK General TV aired its Dragon Quest 30th anniversary special program today. While the program wasn’t heavy on new information, there were a few interesting tidbits on the upcoming Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.
Get the information below.
Players will be able to camp. This image shows a “Camp Menu” where players can rest (heals HP and MP), do “mysterious smithing,” pray to the statue of the goddess, and patrol the area.
Mysterious Smithing (Fushigi na Kaji)
Another screen asks the player, “What do you want to create?” It offers the following options:
Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time is due out for PlayStation 4 and 3DS in 2017 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has not yet been detailed. Catch the latest information here and footage here.
Watch all the new footage from the NHK broadcast below. (MP4 backup.)