Plus, X-Drive now brings in your partner character.
Falcom has shared the latest details and screenshots on Tokyo Xanadu eX+, introducing its third new playable character Ryouta Ibuki, in addition to the PlayStation 4 version’s enhanced X-Drive.
Get the information below.
■ Playable Characters
Ryouta Ibuki, who was not playable in the original Tokyo Xanadu, will be a playable character in Tokyo Xanadu eX+.
Ryouta Ibuki Age: 17 / Voiced by: Atsushi Abe
Kou’s friend from elementary school. He’s also good friends with Shiori. He’s a wholesome young man who dreams of a rosy high school life. He’s in the kendo club, but tends to skip out because he prioritizes hanging with friends. Although he has a non-serious personality and is friends with many, he ends up “just friends” and frets about his lack of a girlfriend.
★ The weakest character? Is Kou, an ordinary person, really playable?
In Tokyo Xanadu eX+, Ryouta, a close friend of the protagonist Kou, is playable.
Since Ryouta is not a “Qualified” person, he uses a “Wooden Sword of the Sacred Tree” as his weapon instead of the special weapons, known as a Soul Device, used by other characters.
Ryouta’s attack speed is reasonable, and his chances of a critical hit are high, but his physical and magical attack power are the lowest of all the characters. His magical defense power is also low, and he cannot use an X-Drive attack, which is each character’s strongest technique.
Since Ryouta doesn’t have a Soul Device, instead of a Master Core, which is used to strengthen a character’s abilities, he can instead attach a maximum of seven elements to his wooden sword.
—Shooting Skill: “Fly, Slash!”
A skill that sees Ryouta swing his wooden sword horizontally, sending a blue aura flying forward. There are few openings, but its range is small and the power is also rather low.
—Flying Skill: “My Blow Away!”
A skill that sees Ryouta borrow the spiritual power of his wooden sword and launch an assault attack from the air. It is a simple attack where he charges straight forward, but its attack range is unexpectedly wide.
—Strength Skill: “Eat This, Soul Strike!”
A skill that sees Ryouta use all of his power to strike his wooden sword, with the Men strike of Kendo being its main point. This skill consumes little of the Skill Gauge, and you can use it mainly in combination with the standard attack.
—EX Skill: “Special Move: Hundred-Cut Thrust!”
A skill that sees Ryouta repeatedly thrust his wooden sword at the enemy before him. Since it has so many hits, there is a high critical rate and it does unexpectedly high damage, but after the final thrust, Ryouta’s little remaining energy knocks him to the floor, so you should be careful after using it.
■ Battle System: X-Drive
★ In the PlayStation 4 version, you can fight alongside your partner character using the X-Drive.
During battle, when the Drive Gauge at the lower right of the screen reaches 100 percent, you can activate your “X-Drive.”
In the time before the gauge depletes to 0 percent, your damage increases and you’re immune to status ailments. It’s a state where both the player character and partner character see a full-scale power-up.
Additionally, in the PlayStation 4 version, when you trigger your X-Drive, your partner character will also appear on the battlefield. During the trigger period, you’ll be able to fight in cooperation with them.
(Your Drive Gauge increases by landing normal attacks and skill attacks. Partner characters support the player character through automatic combat.)
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on September 8.