Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, the spiritual successor to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, will be playable at E3 2016 next week at the Microsoft booth, an update on the game’s Kickstarter blog reveals.
“This E3 preview is a simple playable demo and tutorial of this Minerva stage,” creator Koji Igarashi said. “The lesser demons we’ve introduced in the last update (Morte, Seama, and Dullahammer) will appear, and the magi-crystals players will obtain from enemies, also known as “Shards,” will also be included.”
The E3 demo will be released to all $60+ tier backers on June 13. It will be a Windows PC-only demo distributed digitally through Steam. It is not the beta, which is planned to arrive later. If you want the demo but backed less than $60 or haven’t backed at all, upgrading your tier or becoming a backer before June 13 will get you the demo.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, PC, and PS Vita.
Get a brief look at the demo in video below. View some screenshots at the gallery.