XSEED Games has registered the domain name FateExtella.com, suggesting the studio will localize the recently announced, Marvelous-developed action game.
The company also registered 0r0ch1r1s1ng.com (“Orochi Rising,” it was registered the same day as a Senran Kagura: Estival Versus promo website) in March, and a series of other domains alongside the Fate/EXTELLA domain. Unfortunately, this is the most a DomainIQ and DomainTools‘ Reverse WhoIs will reveal:
- bi _ _ _ _ i.com (Update: bitzeni.com)
- sh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s.com (Update: shinobihotsprings.com)
- th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y.com (Update: thorsmilitaryacademy.com)
The rest is up to the Internet to figure out.
Thanks, NeoGAF.