The emotion reader returns for the upcoming sequel.
Capcom has released new Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 6 information and screenshots introducing assistant lawyer Athena Cykes and the “Mood Matrix” system.
Get the information below.
Athena Cykes
A novice lawyer at Phoenix Wright’s Wright Anything Agency. She is a very lively and emotional girl. Always full of energy, she supports Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice. But sometimes her emotions get the best of her and she can be a bit reckless.
Because she still appears to be an apprentice, she puts in strenuous effort in order to be recognized as a standalone lawyer. In court, she has the special power to read a person’s “emotion” from the tone of their voice and bring out the truth hidden in the back of their mind.
Mood Matrix
Using the “Mood Matrix” system, you can take advantage of psycho-analyst Athena’s special ability. By hearing a person’s emotion from the tone of their voice, you can find a contradiction hiding within the witness’ emotion.
In any human being, even if their testimony is falsified, you cannot falsify emotions. If you notice their emotion differs from their testimony, you can attempt to point out their emotion of happiness, anger, sadness, or surprise on the bottom screen. If you’re successful, the hidden truth will come to light.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 6 is due out for 3DS in Japan this year. A western release is also planned.