The latest issue of Weekly Jump shares new details on Dragon Quest Builders.
The game’s third continent, as introduced last week, is called Myra. Its leader is named Amelda. She’s a rowdy woman who leads a group of rowdy men. They refer to her as “anego,” or “big sis.” Working with Amelda, players will attempt to revive Myra. And you’ll also lead her rowdy group of men into battle.
Players will be able to create powerful weapons, including cannons. There is also a special machine you can ride, which can be used to rush at monsters and deal a great amount of damage.
Speaking of monsters, the magazine confirms Gigantes, Wizards, and Knights will appear in the game.
Dragon Quest Builders will launch for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita in Japan on January 28.
Thanks, @kazu4281.