Star Ocean 5 details and screenshots: Emmerson, Anne, and battle roles
Meet the latest party members.
Square Enix has released new details and screenshot of Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness detailing the latest characters, more about the Vestiel continent’s Langdauq city, and the new Role system for battles.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
CV: Junichi Suwabe
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Weapon: Crossbow
Special Skill: Gunfire
A man who travels together with Anne. Although he’s dressed like a medicine salesman, he doesn’t actually sell medicine. He has a scary face, but a frank personality, and is always fair. He loves alcohol and women, and works hard to pick up the latter wherever he goes. He is by no means a frivolous man, however, and occasionally takes on the resolute attitude of an adult male.
He mainly attacks with his crossbow from a distance, and fights making use of his high offensive ability.
Emmerson doesn’t have any signeturgy, but he consumes MP when using special attacks. He has a number of bowgun-based special attacks, but they require technique. His “Benishigure” attack fires countless arrows at a wide range of enemies.
CV: Ayumi Fujimura
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Weapon: Melee
Special Skill: Melee Techniques
A woman who travels together with Emmerson. She’s good-looking, extremely intellectual, and well composed. She’s often swung around at Emmerson’s actions. She’s always relentlessly chide, but she’s not necessarily a cold person. She actually has a hidden kindness within her. She has an unmatched love for cats, too.
In battle, Anne utilizes an abundance of variegated melee attacks including quick attacks and heavy-hitting special skills, and fights making a fool of the enemy.
Anne uses a number of high firepower special skills and combos to blow away enemies. Her “Trident Arts” attack sees her fire three kicks at the enemy. The hits are massive and reduce the attack power of the enemy.
■ World
There is a large country located on the east side of the Vestielian continent that is prosperous thanks to signeturgy. It has been ruled by a queen for generations, and the current queen is Holy Queen Marbenique, who is not just a prominent signeturge, but also wears the signet known as “Seigen,” which is only permitted to be worn by loyalty and has been handed down for generations. It is the Vestielian continent’s top place for signeturgy, and is friendly with the Kingdom of Resulia, to which it offers its technology and other resources.
The capital of the Kingdom of Langdauq. This is a castle town where there is a signeturgy school and lineups of shops. It’s the one-stop place for signeturgy. Inside the Langdauq castle is a Signeturgy Research Institute. The walls inside the castle are made of typical stone, but the Signeturgy Research Institute made a different design with the former Institute as a motif.
Langdauq Royal Signeturgy Research Institute
A very difficult establishment to join, where only the most superior of characters can gain admission. For that reason, the institute only seeks masters of signeturgy, and there is no end to their search for new admissions, both inside and outside the Vestir continent. Fiore is a member of the Royal Research Institute, and is the most superior among her peers.
Old Langdauq Research Institute
North of Santeroule is a mysterious facility from the olden days. 150 years before it was discovered, it had already stopped functioning in an uprising. But the signeturgy-related books and such remained, and the founding queen made use of the facility to further the development of Langdauq.
■ System
A system that lets you set roles for each character in your party. Roles can be shared across the party, too. You can set up to four roles per character.
Role Types
There are roles that specialize in attacking, defending, recovery, and support, and other for five types of roles. You can level up specific roles and by progressing through the story, unlock new roles.
Attack Types
Attacker – Prioritizes number of moves and focuses on proactively attacking. Factor: ATK +4.
Caster – Prioritizes number of moves and focuses on proactively using skill attacks. Factor: INT +4.
Bazaar – Aggressively attacks enemies that chip away at you. Factor: none.
Fighter – Throws away defense to fight mainly with attacks. Factor: none.
Defense Types
Defender – Places emphasis on defense while putting emphasis on the toughest enemies. Factor: none.
Guardless Alpha – Confronts physical attacks and is unfazed when hit. Factor: is unfazed by attack damage less than 2 percent of MAX HP.
Knight – Prioritizes and eliminates enemies aiming at party members who are about to die. Factor: DEF +8.
Vanguard: Defends against enemy attacks while increasing personal vitality. Factor: MAX HP increased by 2 percent / sometimes HP recovery by 1 percent based on guard success.
Recovery Types
Healer – Refrains from actions to prepare for quick recovery. Factor: MAX MP +2 percent.
First-Aid – Carries out first-aid treatment when an ally is hit. Factor: 10 percent chance of 2 percent HP recovery when attacked.
Guts – Can endure a hit when on the verge of dying. Factor: 4 percent change of recovering from death.
Saver – In order to save lives, this role pours all of its power into recovery. Factor: HP recovery amount +4 percent.
Support Types
Provoker – Fights while drawing attention from enemies. Factor: easily become targeted by enemies +1.
Interceptor – Actively counterattacks the most hostile enemies. Factor: standard attack stun chance +4 percent.
Intelligence Strategist – Analyzes situations and provides appropriate instruction. Factor: Thought level of all party members rise / INT +10 percent.
Attack Strategist – Analyzes situations and provides superficial instruction. Factor: Attack frequency of all party members rise / ATK +30 percent.
Special Types
HP Boost – Factor: MAX HP +10 percent.
MP Boost – Factor: MAX MP +10 percent.
ATK Boost – Factor: ATK +4 percent.
DEF Boost – Factor: DEF +4 percent.
Role Effectiveness
Setting roles that make the best use of a character’s special traits is advantageous, as is setting different characteristic roles that make the best use of factors. Through various combinations, you can make a strategy all your own.
(1) Change the AI behavior of your allies.
(2) Change various parameters through Factors, including offensive ability and HP.
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness is due out for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan on February 25, and for PlayStation 4 in North America and Europe in 2016. In Japan, the game will also be available in an “Ultimate Box” edition.