Electronic Arts and DICE have unveiled “Supremacy,” a new multiplayer mode for Star Wars Battlefront.
The new game mode centers on five control points scattered across the map. The objective is gaining contrl of all five, or the majority of them, before the 10 minute round is over. Each team starts with two points in their control. After the initial fight for the center control point, the control points need to be claimed in a set order, meaning the battle for control will take place on two control points at a time.
Supremacy uses Star Wars Battlefront‘s largest map size. According to DICE, the mode is similar to the signature Battlefield mode “Conquest.”
“Supremacy is a game mode that will excite fans of the Conquest mode from Battlefield,” said lead level designer Dennis Brännvall. “That said, we’ve made several tweaks to improve the formula. You will always spawn close to the action when you enter Supremacy, so you’ll never feel isolated from the fight. By focusing on one key point at a time, players not playing the objective and camping on a hill somewhere will be a rare sight.”
Star Wars Battlefront is due out for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 17.