Your opponents are riajuu, people who live fulfilling lives, who are overflowing with confidence and have strong personalities.
Investigation Parts
During Investigation Parts, you’ll visit various places where people gather, like the shopping district and convenience stores, and try to somehow obtain valuable information.
Flame Wars
Based on the information you uncover during your investigation, you’ll battle to uncover the clever lies of riajuu.
These are enjoyable communication parts with the girls you meet as a result of your battles.
■ Investigation Parts in Detail
During these parts, you’ll head out to the city to investigate tips passed along to you online, and collect evidence and hints to use in battle.
Investigation Method #1. Fuel to the Fire Tweets
To get the latest riajuu gossip, you can tweet incendiary remarks to attract attention and learn gossip through the many replies you receive. Depending on what you say, you can lose or gain followers.
Investigation Method #2. Lifelog Search
Using your high-tech wearable terminal, known as “Glasses,” it is possible to see traces of people’s lives. Check the various phrases that appear on screen to discover the latest gossip.
Investigation Method #3. Fuse Inspiration
Once you’ve collected gossip with the other two methods, you can use this to brainstorm associated words. If it goes well, you might have a flash of insight that sparks new gossip.
■ Your Victory Prize… The Riajuu Experience
After overcoming your battles against riajuu, you’ll trigger a brief reward period where you’re able to communicate with the ladies of the riajuu who were your enemies during the investigation parts.
By raising your likability level with theses ladies during conversation, you might get to the point where you can rub their heads, talk to them while holding your hand up against the wall (like a cool guy!), or even have lay your head on their laps. But given that Oreshi is a non-riajuu, this won’t be an easy task.
Net High is due out for PS Vita in Japan on November 26.