As previously announced, Ray Gigant has three protagonists, each with their own chapter. Each chapter has its own story and cast. We’ve already detailed Ichiya and Kyle’s chapters. Today, we look at Nil’s.
Get all the details below.
Nil’s Story
Nil’s chapter mainly takes place on the tanker, “Sea King,” stranded in a beautiful coral reef. A secret base has been built atop the Sea King. As Yorigami-compatibles, Nil and her group throw down with a Gigant in order to protect the neighboring fishermen. However, as new types of Gigant they’re unfamiliar with appeared, Nil and friends’ peaceful everyday has changed. And thus, they are caught up in the world of Gigant battles.
Nil Phineas (voiced by Yoshino Nanjo)
16 years old. Nationality unknown. She is a battle expert who trained in the opposition of enemy Gigants from a young age. She has demonstrated enough strength to be considered one of mankind’s strongest in long distance combat, but she hasn’t had much of a normal life, so she can be quite naive. Her hometown and fishing, and more than anything else her sisters, are what she loves most.
Redney Syphias (voiced by Ikumi Nakagami)
17 years old. American. She is compatible with “Korogami,” which are clones of Yorigami. Like her sisters, she was also an orphan, brought up by someone she calls “Father.” As the oldest among the three sisters, she does the daily mother-like duties, such as cleaning and laundry. But she is also a power fighter that specializes in close combat.
May Mizerele (voiced by Mami Tamura)
15 years old. Nationality unknown. Like Redney, she is compatible with “Korogami,” the Yorigami clones. She is not much different in age compared to Nil, but she is quiet and acts as the “younger sister” among the group. She loves her “Father” and older sister Nil, and wants to be as strong as Nil someday.
Forced Parasite System
Ichiya, Kyle, and Nil are fighting against the Gigants with the parasite power of Yorigami. However, when a certain amount of turns have passed during battle, the Yorigami become completely parasitic, and players must fight while their own HP gradually decreases. This is called the “Forced Parasite” state.
Fighting in the Forced Parasite State
During battle, you can perform various actions at the cost of AP (Active Points). However, in the Forced Parasite state, rather than AP, attacks and recovery abilities cost HP.
When continuously using actions in this state, you’ll consume a large chunk of HP, meaning you’d soon land in a pinch. However, when your AP is exhausted and you can’t move, but the Forced Parasite state is active, it’s possible to perform actions regardless of AP and turn the tides of battle.
Ray Gigant is due out for PS Vita on July 30 in Japan.