Indie games take center stage at the Tokyo Indie Fest in Akihabara this weekend. And thanks to Twitch’s live stream of the event, we have a direct feed look at some of them. Mainly, you’ll get a look at Back in 1995 and Mighty No. 9.
The former starts at 1:09:00 and is Throw the Warped Code Out’s horror game throwback to classics like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Alone in the Dark—horrible graphics, d-pad controls, bad translations, and all. According to the studio, the plan was originally to release the game on PlayStation Mobile, but given that’s come to an end, they’re seeking someone to help them publish the game on PlayStation 4 and PS Vita via PlayStation Network.
The latter starts at 02:13:24 and is, of course, Keiji Inafune’s spiritual successor to Mega Man. Its release date was recently announced for mid-September, alongside a physical release on current-gen platforms.
Watch the video over at Twitch.