PLAYISM bringing student project Bot! to PS4
Play as Tommy the robot and escape the robot factory.
Active Gaming Media and PLAYISM are already bringing a number of PC titles—including TorqueL, Prismatic Solid, Croixleur Sigma, and Astebreed—to PlayStation 4, but today it announced an all new title.

Bot! is developed by Aimed Freedom, a developer comprised of students from Digital Hollywood University in Tokyo, as a graduation project, and is due for release on PlayStation 4 by the end of the year. Its core team consists of three developers. The game’s theme is “to challenge the absurd and unreasonable.”

Players control a kind-hearted home-use robot named Tommy, who must escape from the factory he was recalled to. Tommy doesn’t have any way to attack, so in order to not be discovered, he’ll have to transform into a box shape and hide while searching for his escape route. Players will face repeated trial-and-error and fail many times while looking for the right path.

Watch a trailer for Bot! below.
Visit the game’s English website here.