Kadokawa Games and Prope officially confirmed the April 2 release of Rodea the Sky Soldier for Wii U and 3DS in Japan following the announcement in Famitsu earlier this week.
In a video message, Kadokawa Games director Zin Hasegawa and Prope president Yuji Naka visit Tokyo Tower, where they reveal a pre-release premium experience event known as the “Rodea the Sky Soldier Experience Tour 2015″ will be held in Akihabara on January 17. It will feature Hasegawa and Naka, video messages, other talks, and various project unveilings. Kadokawa will hold a lottery for 30 people to attend the event.
Additionally, as it’s Christmas Eve, Kadokawa revealed Rodea the Sky Soldier‘s “Snowfield Stage,” a wintry area full of snow, ice, crystals, and formidable enemies.
Also released are the final box arts for the game. First-print copies of the Wii U version come in a “Special Package” which includes both the Wii U game Rodea the Sky Soldier and the never-released Tenkuu no Kishi Rodea for Wii. Both games appear to come in their own cases.
Watch the video message below, which contains footage of the new stage. View a new set of screenshots and the game’s box art at the gallery.