This year’s PlayStation Awards, set to be held this Wednesday, December 3, will come with surprises, according to Famitsu editor-in-chief Katsuhiko Hayashi.
“Since these awards are coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the PlayStation, there’s probably going to be more pomp and flare than usual this year,” Hayashi said during a Niconico live stream, “and I think it’s probably safe to say that means we’ll likely be seeing a lot of surprises coming out our way that are befitting such an occasion.”
Given that Hayashi is the editor of Famitsu, which knows about new games and such weeks in advance, it’s likely he knows a thing or two about what’ll occur during the awards show. Perhaps a new title announcement or two?
The PlayStation Awards will air on December 3 at 4:30 p.m. Japan time / 2:30 a.m. EST. You’ll be able to watch it live here.
Thanks, Games talk.