Party formation is key in The Legend of Legacy
Position your party according to the battle situation.Famitsu’s latest online preview for Furyu’s upcoming 3DS RPG The Legend of Legacy details its weapon types, “Battle Techniques,” and “Roll Shuffle” system.
Freely Equip Seven Types of Weapons
In The Legend of Legacy, there are seven playable characters, and as such, seven weapon types. There’s the sword, great sword, axe, spear, staff, bow and arrow, and the shield. Because each character lacks specific weapon characteristics, you can equip any weapon to any of the seven characters. You can equip your weapons in the menu screen.
Battle Techniques
Each weapon makes use of a “Battle Technique” for its basic attack. These techniques range from simultaneously striking several opponents, to striking a single opponent several times, to preventing an enemy attack and responding with a counterattack, etc. FuRyu promises a great variety of these techniques. Make full use of them to defeat the enemy.
Roll Shuffle
During battle, there is a concept of “Position” that represents the role of each character, so formation is key. Through the game’s “Roll Shuffle” system, players are recommended to create several formations beforehand so they can easily switch up their roles when the battle situation calls for it.
In the screenshots below, we see a guard-based formation on the left, with the two characters in the back on the attack and the character in the front on the defense. The image on the right shows an attack-based formation, with the two characters in the front on the attack and the character in the back providing support.
The Legend of Legacy is due out for 3DS in Japan on January 22.