Sony trademarks Vib-Ribbon in Europe
New Vib-Ribbon game in the works?
Sony Computer Entertainment has filed a trademark for Vib-Ribbon in Europe.
The mark was filed today, September 3.
Vib-Ribbon was the name of a PSone game from Sony Computer Entertainment and PaRappa developer NanaOn-Sha. It never released in North America, but launched in both Europe and Japan.
It’s an old game, but recent events suggest something new might be in the works.
First, Sony Computer Entertainment America’s new president and CEO Shawn Layden mentioned Vib-Ribbon at E3.
“A little earlier, I was delighted to hear Andy give a shout-out to one of the most iconic games of our time, Vib Ribbon,” Layden said at E3. “A personal favorite of mine that really embodies the PlayStation spirit. It wasn’t a multi-million seller, but that’s not the point. Vib-Ribbon was unafraid to go against the tide. It was courageous in its ambition and it brought a completely new experience to gamers.”
Then, in mid-August, Layden took the ALS Ice Bucket challenge. And in the video, he’s seen wearing a Vib-Ribbon shirt.
Could Sony be making a new Vib-Ribbon game for PlayStation 4?
Thanks, NeoGAF.