Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, previously known as Dragon Ball New Project, is coming to North America and Europe for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, Bandai Namco announced at E3.
Developed by Dragon Ball Z: Budokai studio Dimps, Xenoverse is the first entry in the series on the new generation consoles. It will feature all the battles fans have come to expect, but break tradition with a new world setup, a mysterious city, a mysterious fighter, and other new features.
Find a list of key features below, via Bandai Namco:
- New Generation Dragon Ball – Enjoy your favorite manga on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for the first time ever! Also available on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
- Improved Gameplay – Fast paced and powerful battles await to be discovered, including real-time transformation!
- Strong Immersion – Inspired from one of the most famous series ever created.
- New World Setup – A clock that once had stopped will start to tick again in an enigmatic and futuristic city!
- Original Battles – Take part in epic fights against ferocious enemies such as Vegeta, Frieza, Cell and much more!
- Unknown Fighter – Look at him with his uniform, cape and scouter…who is he
A release date was not announced.
Watch the E3 trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
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