Earlier this month, Lionhead Studios introduced us to the first of Fable Legends‘ group of heroes. Today, we meet the second.
Rook is a seasoned warrior of the mountains and veteran member of the Strangers, a group of men and women who act as an army, police force, and communications network for those traveling an living along the edges of the Deadlands, a desolate corner in the country of Albion.
After hearing of a mysterious call for Heroes, Rook heads down south. Heroes were thought to have been long gone in Albion, so Rook is determined to learn more about this summons, and the threat that prompted it.
Rook is a born leader who believes in honor, justice, and short haircuts for fluid hand-to-hand combat. When he heads down south, he brings his northern common sense in speaking his mind when he feels necessary, and is always direct and to the point.
View a screenshot and artwork of Rook at the gallery.
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