Following reports that Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes can be completed in less than two hours, Kojima Productions boss Hideo Kojima has addressed fans on Twitter.
“MGSV: Ground Zeroes includes the main mission alongside 5 side ops,” Kojima said. “All missions include elements such as ‘Trial Records,’ where players can compete against each other online. This is not a linear game like the past.
“GZ offers freedom of approach and play style, which we hope players will enjoy over and over without boring. I believe people will be satisfied with the ‘play time’ of GZ and will not stress the “clear time,” which is a standard for linear games.”
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is due out on March 18 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It will cost $30 on current-gen consoles and $40 on next-gen consoles.