Lab Zero-developed fighting game Skullgirls is receiving an ‘Encore’ re-release on PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Arcade, the developer announced.
Due to original Skullgirls publisher Konami‘s dissolved relationship with Lab Zero Games, it has decided to delist the fighter from PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE.
Consumers who purchased the original version of Skullgirls will get Skullgirls Encore free of charge.
On PlayStation 3, the game will be an all-new release, with its own set of trophies, and won’t be compatible with saves and downloadable content from the original release. On Xbox LIVE Arcade, Encore will be released as a patch for the existing version. Both systems will receive free downloadable content when Encore launches.
Skullgirls is expected to be delisted on December 31. Skullgirls Encore will arrive “sometime in January 2014.”
Find full details for each transition below.
PlayStation Network (U.S.)
- All PSN purchasers of the original release of Skullgirls will receive Skullgirls Encore free, similar to a PS3/PS4/Vita Cross-Buy.
- To download Skullgirls Encore, players will just need to visit the Skullgirls Encore store page and download it.
- Squigly’s character DLC will be released at the same time, and will be free for a period of three months, and will only be compatible with Skullgirls Encore.
- Skullgirls Encore will effectively be a “new” and distinct game from the original release.
- The original Skullgirls DLC will not compatible with Skullgirls Encore.
- So that no one loses their previous purchases and also to thank everyone for their patience during this transition, the character color DLC bundle will be free for everyone for a limited time.
- Because Skullgirls Encore is effectively a new game, Skullgirls Encore will have fresh leaderboards, you’ll have a new set of trophies to go for, and your previous save data will not be compatible.
- At the time of the transition we will be phasing out the individual character color packs and will only be offering the character color bundle moving forward.
- The Character Color Bundle DLC will unlock additional colors for all existing characters, as well as Squigly and all future characters.
- Players will still be able to download the original version of Skullgirls from their PSN Downloads list and play it, but we recommend that everyone transition to Skullgirls Encore as soon as possible. And you want Squigly, too, right?
PlayStation Network (Europe)
- The European transition may take a little longer than the U.S. transition, but we’re working to minimize any time difference.
- All PSN purchasers of the original release of Skullgirls will receive Skullgirls Encore free, similar to a PS3/PS4/Vita Cross-buy.
- To download Skullgirls Encore, players will just need to visit the Skullgirls Encore store page and download it.
- Squigly’s character DLC will be released at the same time, and will be free for a period of three months, and will only be compatible with Skullgirls Encore.
- Skullgirls Encore will effectively be a “new” and distinct game from the original release.
- The original Skullgirls DLC will not compatible with Skullgirls Encore.
- So that no one loses their previous purchases and also to thank everyone for their patience during this transition, the character color DLC bundle will be free for everyone for a limited time.
- Because Skullgirls Encore is effectively a new game, Skullgirls Encore will have fresh leaderboards, you’ll have a new set of trophies to go for, and your previous save data will not be compatible.
- At the time of the transition we will be phasing out the individual character color packs and will only be offering the character color bundle moving forward.
- The Character Color Bundle DLC will unlock additional colors for all existing characters, as well as Squigly and all future characters.
- Players will still be able to download the original version of Skullgirls from their PSN Downloads list and play it, but we recommend that everyone transition to Skullgirls Encore as soon as possible. And you want Squigly, too, right?
PlayStation Network (Japan)
- The Japanese transition may take a little longer than the U.S. transition, but we’re working with Cyberfront to minimize any time difference.
- All PSN purchasers of the original release of Skullgirls will receive Skullgirls Encore free, similar to a PS3/PS4/Vita Cross-buy.
- To download Skullgirls Encore, players will just need to visit the Skullgirls Encore store page and download it.
- Squigly’s character DLC will be released at the same time, and will be free for a period of three months, and will only be compatible with Skullgirls Encore.
- Skullgirls Encore will effectively be a “new” and distinct game from the original release.
- The original Skullgirls DLC will not compatible with Skullgirls Encore.
- So that no one loses their previous purchases and also to thank everyone for their patience during this transition, the character color DLC bundle will be free for everyone for a limited time.
- Because Skullgirls Encore is effectively a new game, Skullgirls Encore will have fresh leaderboards, you’ll have a new set of trophies to go for, and your previous save data will not be compatible.
- At the time of the transition we will be phasing out the individual character color packs and will only be offering the character color bundle moving forward.
- The Character Color Bundle DLC will unlock additional colors for all existing characters, as well as Squigly and all future characters.
- Players will still be able to download the original version of Skullgirls from their PSN Downloads list and play it, but we recommend that everyone transition to Skullgirls Encore as soon as possible. And you want Squigly, too, right?
Xbox LIVE Arcade (Worldwide)
- While the game will disappear from the Xbox Live Marketplace for a period of time, the publisher transition from Konami to Marvelous AQL should be pretty transparent to players.
- Marvelous AQL can’t submit the new build until after the holidays, so the game will be unavailable on the store while the patch is in testing, but will still be playable online.
- When the game’s transition is complete, there will be a title update and a new mandatory Compatibility Pack DLC, just as there was with the previous update.
- Unlike with the PSN version, Skullgirls Encore will be a patched version of the original game, not a separate product.
- This means that the leaderboards, achievements and save data will be unaffected by this transition.
- Previously purchased DLC will still be compatible with Skullgirls Encore.
- To thank everyone for their patience during this transition, the character color DLC bundle will be free for everyone for a limited time.
- Squigly will be available (and free) at this point as well, so be sure to download her immediately!
- At the same time this publisher transition is complete, Marvelous AQL will enable Japanese XBLA sales of Skullgirls Encore.