PlayStation 4 All Access launch event live stream
Sony kicks off PlayStation 4 launch in New York City.
PlayStation 4 is set to launch in North America in just over two hours. To celebrate, Spike TV and Sony are hosting a PlayStation 4 All Access reveal event at 11 p.m. Eastern time, where “exclusive world premieres and announcements” about PlayStation 4 games and new title reveals are promised.
Show host Geoff Keighley has shared a number of teases over the week. Here’s everything we know / think we might possibly know even a little bit so far.
- Destiny trailer and special announcement
- inFAMOUS: Second Son trailer and likely its release date
- The Last of Us‘ story downloadable content debut trailer
- Metal Gear Solid V trailer and special announcement (might be PlayStation-exclusive content, which Hideo Kojima unintentionally leaked)
- PlayStation 4-related announcement from Hideo Kojima that “will blow your mind” (this might be one in the same with the Metal Gear Solid V announcement)
- A look at where Sony’s secret R&D team are taking PlayStation 4 next
Watch the live stream below.