Nintendo has revealed two new Pokemon evolutions for Pokemon X and Y.
Evolving from Swirlix and Spritzee, respectively, are Slurpuff and Aromatisse.
Slurpuff – Slurpuff has an unbelievable sense of smell—a hundred million times more sensitive than that of humans. With its highly attuned senses, it can distinguish the faintest of odors. Since it’s particularly good at distinguishing sweet smells, some Slurpuff work to assist pastry chefs.
Aromatisse – Aromatisse, the evolved form of Spritzee, can give off a variety of different smells, from a pleasant fragrance to an odor so repugnant to its opponent that it can turn a battle in its favor.
View screenshots of each at the gallery. Pokemon X and Y is due out worldwide on October 12.
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